University of St Andrews Library and Information Service
St Andrews
North Street, St Andrews, Fife KY16 9TR
01334 462282
Colin Bovaird, Senior Library Assistant
Serves staff and students of the University. Other scholars are welcome
Access is free for consultation but users must register on first visit
Term time: M–F 08.45–00.00 (no lending service after 2200), Sa 09.00–17.00, Su 13.00–19.00.Vacation M–F 09.00–20.00 (no lending service after 1700); Mid Sept.–May Sa 09.00–13.00 excluding Christmas period
All floors are accessible by lift
ILL via BLDSC generally possible, but items dated before 1880 are not lent, and other restrictions may apply. Non-University borrowers are charged £30 per annum.
900,000 whole library; 60,000 theology
5,000 whole library; 680 theology
2,800 whole library printed, 680 theology; 2,500 whole library electronic, 120 theology
Mss, microfilm and databases include substantial theology holdings. Other materials include maps, videos, DVDs, newspapers
9,000 whole library, 600 theology
Bible collection; Buccleugh collection; Von Hugel collection of philosophy and theology; Archdeacon Moore collection; G.H. Forbes collection
Wide range of subject coverage, especially relating to the church and churchmen in Scotland and to the Catholic modernist movement
Roman Catholic modernism
Computer (SAULCAT) of post-1972 acquisitions accessible by author/title, subject and classmark; guardbook catalogue (author only) of pre-1973 acquisitions
Photocopying, microfilm reader