Lash Library, Margaret Beaufort Institute of Theology




12 Grange Road, Cambridge CB3 9DX


01223 741039

Contact & Job Title

Susanne Jennings, Curator of the Lash Library

Purpose & main user community of the library

Theological library for those undertaking undergraduate & postgraduate degrees; researchers; members of the University of Cambridge, Cambridge Theological Federation & Anglia Ruskin University

Terms of access

Members of the above named institutions ; others by arrangement

Opening hours

Institute opening hours; by arrangement

Disabled access


Lending to other libraries & visitors

No inter-library loans; visitors only with advance permission

Number of volumes

around 5,000 volumes

Other materials


Special Collections

Bequest of private library belonging to the late Norris Hulse Professor Nicholas Lash (annotated volumes, papers etc); Donations from Dr Lavinia Byrne, the late Sr Pamela Hayes, RSCJ et al.

URL of catalogue
Part Time Staff


Voluntary Staff


Anything else about the library

The Lash Library seeks to make a contribution to current & future research resources offered by & in liaison with Catholic specialist libraries in the UK.