Lash Library, Margaret Beaufort Institute of Theology
12 Grange Road, Cambridge CB3 9DX
01223 741039
Susanne Jennings, Curator of the Lash Library
Theological library for those undertaking undergraduate & postgraduate degrees; researchers; members of the University of Cambridge, Cambridge Theological Federation & Anglia Ruskin University
Members of the above named institutions ; others by arrangement
Institute opening hours; by arrangement
No inter-library loans; visitors only with advance permission
around 5,000 volumes
Bequest of private library belonging to the late Norris Hulse Professor Nicholas Lash (annotated volumes, papers etc); Donations from Dr Lavinia Byrne, the late Sr Pamela Hayes, RSCJ et al.
The Lash Library seeks to make a contribution to current & future research resources offered by & in liaison with Catholic specialist libraries in the UK.