New College Library




New College Library, Mound Place, Edinburgh EH1 2LX


0131 650 8957

Alternative Names

Divinity Library, University of Edinburgh; University of Edinburgh Library

Contact & Job Title

Christine Love-Rodgers, Academic Support Librarian – Divinity

Purpose & main user community of the library

Students and staff of the University of Edinburgh, especially School of Divinity. External researchers. Members of the public.

Terms of access

Opening hours

Disabled access

Disabled lift access; please call in advance to arrange. Please note that users unable to self-evacuate will require a PEEP (Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan) arranged by their department. Non-UoE visitors unable to self-evacuate should contact the library in advance of visit.

Lending to other libraries & visitors

Participates in the British Library Inter-Library Loan scheme. New College is not able to participate in the ABTAPL inter-library loan scheme. Visitors can apply for a reference card or a borrower’s card. See website above.

Number of volumes

c. 250,000

Current Periodicals

Most current periodicals are online only.

Other materials

Significant Special Collections and Archives. Collection of objects and pictures relating to New College and the Church of Scotland. Access to online resources for students and staff of Edinburgh University.

Volumes added per year



Theology and religious studies – strengths in Biblical Studies, Theology, History of Christianity, World Christianity. Edinburgh University Library in George Square also holds relevant collection, particularly for Islam, Buddhism and other world religions.

Special Collections

New College Library was founded upon donations, including many rare books from libraries, churches and individuals across Europe. Significant items and collections include: Acta Sanctorum (1643–1794), Dumfries Presbytery Library, early printed Bibles in Latin, Greek, English and polyglot versions, Gaelic collection, Hymnology collections, Incunabula, Pamphlets collection and Paterson Bible collection.


Archives supporting the study of church history and the religious life of Scotland, especially papers of notable individuals in the Free Church and Free Church of Scotland e.g. Thomas Chalmers, J.S. Oldham, Tom Allan, John McIntyre.

Research resource

Biblical studies, patristics, missions, liturgy, hymnology, ecumenism, general church history (particularly Reformed), Scottish church history, religious studies, world religions.

Catalogue Type

Predominantly online. Some older collections on sheaf catalogue.

URL of catalogue
Other facilities

Photocopying, scanning and printing. Digitisation of Special Collections and Archives (off site).

Full Time Staff


Part Time Staff


Changes in next five years affecting the above

In 2024, some Special Collections continue to be in deep storage and inaccessible during continuing Estates work to Special Collections stores.

Anything else about the library

The email address for enquiries is . The email address for inter-library loan requests (BL only) is