Regent’s Park College Library and David Nicholls Memorial Trust Collection




Regent’s Park College, Pusey Street, Oxford, OX1 2LB


01865 288127

Contact & Job Title

Sarah Mann, college librarian

Purpose & main user community of the library

The college library exists to lend books to college members (students, undergraduate and postgraduate, and staff), and to serve as a study space for current students of the college. The college also houses the collection of the David Nicholls Memorial Trust.

Terms of access

Access to college members only. Access to non-college members by appointment, to consult unique items or items unique in Oxford.

Opening hours

By appointment to external readers.

Disabled access

The college library is at the top of two flights of stairs and there is no lift. Books from the collection can be supplied elsewhere in college for members to whom the library space itself is inaccessible.

Lending to other libraries & visitors

The college library does not lend books to anyone who is not a college member. Inter-library loan of items from the David Nicholls collection to other UK universities can be arranged.

Number of volumes

c.30,000 books in the college library.

Periodicals – Back Issues

See ABTAPL union list.

Current Periodicals

See ABTAPL union list.

Other materials


Volumes added per year



Undergraduate degree subjects studied at Regent’s Park College: classics, economics, English language and literature, geography, history, law, philosophy, politics, theology. The theology collection is particularly strong and includes a large section on church history.

Special Collections

The David Nicholls Memorial Trust collection:



Research resource


Catalogue Type


URL of catalogue
Other facilities


Full Time Staff


Changes in next five years affecting the above

None anticipated.