Roy Graham Library, Newbold College of Higher Education
St Marks Road, Binfield, Bracknell, Berkshire RG42 4AN
01344 407 444
Per Lisle, Librarian
Serves students and staff at the undergraduate, postgraduate and research degree levels
Walk in and register at the Information Desk or email
During semester times visitor access is: M–Th. 09.00–18.00; F.09.00–13.00. Limited opening hours for visitors Jun – Sept. Opening hours information available from Library Portal
Access to ground floor only. The Theology collection is on the first floor. Information Desk staff assistance available. Accessible toilet
ILL lending to other libraries via BLDSC; Lending to visitors: None. External membership available; Annual external membership £30, max. loan of 5 books, 2 week period, renewable once. ILL not available for external members.
65,000 (40,000 theology)
290 sets
55 print + Academic Search Premier and ATLA Religion Database with Serials
687 microforms
OT, NT, including biblical languages, church history, systematic theology, Seventh-Day Adventist theology and history are the principal areas covered. Also collections in world mission, church growth, philosophy and ethics.
E. G. White Research Centre – housed in the library building, contains both mss and printed collections
Small mss collection
Seventh-Day Adventism
Online catalogue – EOS.web
WiFi, photocopying, study spaces