Union School of Theology Library
Bryntirion, Bridgend, CF31 4DX
01656 641989
Campus and distance students and staff (BA, MTh, PhD), and external users.
Free for reference, walk in access to databases, borrowing rights charged annually (enquire with the librarian)
09.00 – 22.00 Monday to Friday (external 9.00–17.00)
Ground floor only
ILL – Yes if ABTAPL libraries, see above Re: external users. Interested in reciprocal schemes with other ABTAPL libraries.
c. 30,000
Held as far as possible to fullest extent
Digital resources, audio-visual items
Theology & Church History, some other religions (Dewey 200–299)
David Wright’s personal library (Patristics), a research collection on Tertullian, a collection on Weslyan Methodism focused on the Arminian and Weslyan Journal from Vol. 1 (1778–1893)
Online – Soutron
Welsh Language Theological Library
3 (0.4 FTE)
Hopefully more staff!