William Booth College Library
Champion Park, Denmark Hill, London SE5 8BQ
020 7326 2747
Salvation Army Training College, William Booth Memorial Training College
Winette Field, The Librarian
Training of Salvation Army officers and TSA employees – support students and staff of the College
Not normally open to non-members of the College for borrowing, but occasionally for reading on site. Written applications to the Librarian. All such requests must be made at least 48 hours in advance with as much detail as possible re the particular educational/ research need for use.
M–F 08.45–16.15
Steps unavoidable
No. Will photocopy periodical articles for ABTAPL libraries. Restricted lending to Salvation Army Officers and SA employees.
Audio visual items and training packs
Biblical Studies; Systematic Theology; Pastoralia; Missiology; Church History; Spirituality; Doctrine; Management; Planning and leading worship inc. preaching + Salvation Army belief and practice; Salvation Army music
Salvation Army: history, music, biography, belief and practice
Dissertations by Salvation Army Officers
Salvation Army
Computer – Oliver
The William Booth College Library is based on the same site as the Salvation Army International Heritage Centre (https://www.salvationarmy.org.uk/about-us/international-heritage-centre), which is open to the public. From time to time items are lent to the IHC for use by external visitors.